Crédito Imagem: Alexandre Vaz
A Associação Portuguesa de Biologia Evolutiva pretende representar os professores, investigadores ou divulgadores de ciência portugueses ou que residem em Portugal e que exerçam funções em todas as áreas da Biologia Evolutiva. Tem por missão promover encontros entre associados, assim como estabelecer a ligação entre esta comunidade e toda a sociedade.
The international meeting of Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology (ENBE) is an annual meeting that aims to bring together Evolutionary Biologists working in Portugal and abroad in order to promote scientific cohesion and excellence. This meeting is a forum for scientists of all academic levels (from master students to principal investigators), to present their work and discuss, fostering new ideas and collaborations. We invite researchers from all over the world to participate and submit their work.
The XX ENBE will be held in the main room of the Centro Municipal da Juventude da Câmara Municipal de Vila do Conde on December 19 and 20, 2024.
The XX ENBE will be held in the main room of the Centro Municipal da Juventude da Câmara Municipal de Vila do Conde on December 19 and 20, 2024.

Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2024
Registration deadline: 30th of November 2024 (Students & APBE members: 10 € / Other participants: 20 €)
More information:
XX ENBE is organized by the Portuguese Society for Evolutionary Biology, together with Associação BIOPOLIS – CIBIO, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources.
Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2024
Registration deadline: 30th of November 2024 (Students & APBE members: 10 € / Other participants: 20 €)
More information:
XX ENBE is organized by the Portuguese Society for Evolutionary Biology, together with Associação BIOPOLIS – CIBIO, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources.
Obituary: António Amorim
It is with great sorrow that we received the news of the passing away of Prof. António Amorim on April 11 due to sudden illness. António was a full Professor at the University of Porto and dedicated his career to unraveling the evolutionary history of humans and domesticated animal species. António made tremendous contributions to the field of population genetics, evolution and forensics and always fought for the place of these disciplines in the Portuguese scientific landscape. António inspired many generations of evolutionary biologists, contributed doubtlessly to the critical thinking of our community and was always very supportive of his students and team members. During his last lecture in June 2022, António once again showcased his unique place in the Portuguese scientific community, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking for biologists and medical doctors, urging them to embrace population genetics. Moreover, he always emphasized the importance of neutral stochastic factors in the interpretation of genetic data, which is often overlooked. António was an unforgettable lecturer, with a unique personality, a refined sense of humor and will be terribly missed. But he also left a whole generation of scientists who are proud to have met him and to have been influenced by him. He will live on with this legacy.
Isabel Alves, João Alves, Catarina Ginja, Lounès Chikhi and Vitor Sousa
It is with great sorrow that we received the news of the passing away of Prof. António Amorim on April 11 due to sudden illness. António was a full Professor at the University of Porto and dedicated his career to unraveling the evolutionary history of humans and domesticated animal species. António made tremendous contributions to the field of population genetics, evolution and forensics and always fought for the place of these disciplines in the Portuguese scientific landscape. António inspired many generations of evolutionary biologists, contributed doubtlessly to the critical thinking of our community and was always very supportive of his students and team members. During his last lecture in June 2022, António once again showcased his unique place in the Portuguese scientific community, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking for biologists and medical doctors, urging them to embrace population genetics. Moreover, he always emphasized the importance of neutral stochastic factors in the interpretation of genetic data, which is often overlooked. António was an unforgettable lecturer, with a unique personality, a refined sense of humor and will be terribly missed. But he also left a whole generation of scientists who are proud to have met him and to have been influenced by him. He will live on with this legacy.
Isabel Alves, João Alves, Catarina Ginja, Lounès Chikhi and Vitor Sousa
The international meeting of Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology (ENBE) is an annual meeting that aims to bring together Evolutionary Biologists working in Portugal and abroad in order to promote scientific cohesion and excellence. This meeting is a forum for scientists of all academic levels (from master students to principal investigators), to present their work and discuss, fostering new ideas and collaborations. We invite researchers from all over the world to participate and submit their work.
XIX ENBE will be held in the auditorium of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA/ULisboa) on December 18 and 19, 2023
XIX ENBE will be held in the auditorium of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA/ULisboa) on December 18 and 19, 2023
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 22 November 2023 Registration deadline: 1 December 2023 (Students & APBE members: 10 € / Other participants: 20 €) More information: XIX ENBE is organized by the Portuguese Society for Evolutionary Biology, together with ISA and FCUL. |
It is with great sorrow that we received the news that Professor Mike Bruford is no longer with us. Mike was a brilliant and passionate scientist who inspired many evolutionary biologists around the world. He was an active advocate of conservation and sustainability, leaving an important legacy in these domains. Those who had the privilege to be supervised by or work with him recognize his brightness, leadership, teamwork abilities and, above all, his human qualities. He will be terribly missed.
Posição da APBE sobre o financiamento científico em Portugal
A APBE manifesta a sua preocupação pelas reduzidas margens de aprovação no âmbito do Concurso de Estímulo ao Emprego Científico (com taxas de aprovação globais de cerca de 8.2%) e do concurso de Projetos em Todos os Domínios Científicos (com taxas de financiamento de cerca de 5.3%). Estas baixíssimas taxas de aprovação, aliadas ao subfinanciamento histórico do setor de I&D e à imprevisibilidade da abertura de concursos para financiamento de atividades científicas em Portugal, põem em causa a continuidade de equipas e programas de investigação estabelecidos anteriormente e impossibilitam a criação de novas linhas de investigação. Adicionalmente, condenam grande parte dos investigadores, já cronicamente constrangidos à precariedade das bolsas e contratos de curta duração, ao desemprego e à emigração.
Vivemos num período em que a importância da ciência e da literacia científica para a resolução de problemas sociais é mais visível do que nunca. Os desafios impostos pela atual crise de saúde pública, pelas alterações climáticas e pela perigosa redução da biodiversidade continuam a exigir respostas urgentes por parte da comunidade científica que não se coadunam com o desinvestimento por parte da FCT e do Governo português no sistema científico nacional e em particular na área da Biologia Evolutiva.
Vivemos num período em que a importância da ciência e da literacia científica para a resolução de problemas sociais é mais visível do que nunca. Os desafios impostos pela atual crise de saúde pública, pelas alterações climáticas e pela perigosa redução da biodiversidade continuam a exigir respostas urgentes por parte da comunidade científica que não se coadunam com o desinvestimento por parte da FCT e do Governo português no sistema científico nacional e em particular na área da Biologia Evolutiva.